Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Internship Final Reflection

Did you meet your goals?
-Yes I did meet my goals. My goals were to meet new people(the outside world),learn from them, and get an experience that will help me later in my life.Thank GOODNESS,i succeeded to realize them.

What are the most important things you’ve learned?
-I've learned how to interract with professionals,how to improve my communication skills, how to make certain researches about different types of articles,how to plan events,how to improve my typing skills, how to make an-online-publication of different ethnic newspapers,...

In what ways have your grown?
-I've grown a lot in my "communication".Making phone calls and interracting with professionals at my work have really helped me improve my communication skills.I've made a lot of mistakes,but i'm glad i've learned from them.

What were the highlights of your internship experience?
-At my internship site, i've helped outreach other Ethnic Media Alliances(whether it's in New York or abroad),plan events,make researches about other newspapers' articles.I also got involved in getting people(more people)to participate to our Ethnic Media programs(ex:the Weekly Online publication).I helped make a data base list about reporters who were joining or are willing to join our programs.

If you can, describe a memorable moment or experience.
-One of most the memorable moments,other than the "John Jay Fellowship Event",was when i helped our newspaper-editor(Juana)edit some of the most important articles that we wanted to include into our "Weekly Online Publication".This was a memorable day for me, because not only was i given the opportunity to help edit these articles,but they were also the ones i typed.I got to go over what i already typed and edit them the way a real newspaper-editor usually does.Too much reading, but it was actually great and worth it.

What challenges did you overcome?
-One of the major challenges i've faced at my internship was"the communication over the phone".I had a BIG problem communicating with outsiders,because i didn't know what to say at the beginning, and i was scared to make mistakes.As I practiced my communication and how to respond to people on the phone,I started to get used to it(just like any other professional at my work).

What advice would you give a new intern at this site?
-Advice to a new intern: Stay focused on task and don't worry about making mistakes(just not the same one twice),because you learn from them.Try to interract with professionals at the internship site, and love what you are doing even if it's not what you want to do in the future.Try at least to get an experience out of it;and most importantly,BE RESPONSIBLE OF YOUR OWN ACT.

What will you miss about your internship?
-I'll miss my mentor, my co-workers, and even the work I used to do there.One thing i liked about my internship is the way i was being treated with respect(like a professional);by that,i mean the way i was being trusted with all the work I was given.It was a great experience working with the Community Media Alliance/IPA-NY, and i really enjoyed it.

Monday, May 5, 2008

Interview Questions

1. What is your full name?
- Ka Chan

2. Where are you from?
-Hong Kong(China)

3. Where did you go to college? For how long? Do you plan to go back to school?
-Hunter College, for 4 years. Yes, he plans to go back to graduate school.

4. (If the interviewee went to college)…What was your major in college and what kind of degree did you earn?
-His major in College was "English and Media".He earned a Bachelor degree.

5. Why did you choose that field?
-He chose that field because he was interested in journalism.

6. What is your job title(actual job)?
-He is the Communication Director of the Community Media Alliance(IPA-NY).

7. Why did you choose this job?
-He chose this job because he wanted to get an experience in ethnic media, event-planning, and to improve his communication skills.

8. How long have you worked here?
-He's been working in this company(IPA-NY)for three months-This is third month.

9. What do your duties include? Or What kinds of work does your job involve?
- His duties include planning events, managing the editorials of a weekly online publication, writing Press materials,coordinating with reporters from different publications.

10. What are some of the challenges you have faced working here?
- Some of his challenges involved getting people(more people)to participate to the Ethnic Media programs(ex:the Weekly Online Publication),and increasing the number of turnouts.

11. What is the best part of your job?
- The best part of his job is "examining journalism from a different point pf view".

12. Did you work somewhere else before this job? Where? For how long? How was that similar/different?
- Yes, he did. He worked with the Chinese-language newspapers,Sing Tao Daily and Ming Pao Daily(for 4 years).These companies were similar in that they were all ethnic media.But compared to his actual job(IPA-NY),his previous jobs were "day-to-day reporting job, while his actual job is a weekly online publication job/program.

13. Do you enjoy the kind of work you do?
- Yes he does, because he's gaining a lot of experience from it.

14. How has having an intern helped your company or organization advance or progress?
- "Having an intern has helped our organization/community grow more.For instance,the intern provides us with more satisfying results in outreaching campaigns, and we are really amazed with the work he/she is doing."

15. What advice would you give to high school-aged interns(such as myself)getting
ready for college and then the real world?
- Advice for the intern: "Read more quality materials and build up a people network A.S.A.P.