Wednesday, April 30, 2008

The floor plan


Pre - Interview Thinking

You are going to interview someone at your internship. It can be your mentor or another co-worker as long as it is not another intern.

-Who will that be?
*I'm going to either interview my mentor or his co-worker(Ka Chan and Juana).
Questions to answer:

-What do you already know about that person? (their name, where they are from, how old they are, what their job is...)
*What i already know about these two people is that they're both from different backgrounds. Juana is Spanish and Ka Chan is Chinese. I also know what they do at the Community Media Alliance. Juana is the newspapers/articles' Editor, and Ka Chan is the internship coordinator.

-What do you want to know about that person? (how they got their job, where they went to school, how long they were in school...)
*How long have they both been working for this commnunity?
*How has me(as the intern) being there helped them? Am i really helpful?
*How has working with other communities helped developed their own community? Is it hard working with them?

Daily post synthesis

OLD: For the past two weeks,i've been working on putting the names,addresses and contacts(phone number,email,website)of the John Jay Fellowship applicants into Microsoft Excel.It was a long list, and i was even impressed that i finally got it done.

OLD: Also,i've been working with different newspapers.I made researches about the articles we wanted to include in our weelky online publication("Voices That Must Be Heard"),and even typed some of them directly from the newspapers.I knew how to manage my time to get both work done.Since i didn't have to work with "Excel" everyday,i mostly focused on doing more research and typing the articles.Once i finished with that,i went back to working with the applicants list again...

NEW: We assisted an event called the "John Jay Fellowship Awards' Announcement" which was sponsored by the Manhattan Borough President. The Awardees came from different backgrounds and were mostly college students who have experienced immigration issues. This was my first time assisting this event and it always happens every once a while.

NEW: I helped edit the articles that were already typed. Normally, it was the editor's job to do it, but since i didn't have anything else to do that day, she(Juana) asked me to help her. We printed those articles from our document and edited them with pencils.Then, my job was also to make the changes immidiately from the computer.Once i was done with it, i had to print the final work and hand it to her.

Friday, April 18, 2008

College Fair April 30

On the Wednesday we come back after Spring Break, there is a college fair.

Go here to see the details--

Username = smburk
Password = ihskcc

Page 6 = list of colleges
Page 20 = floor plan (map of where to see the colleges)

Page 11 = how to organize your college application

check out posse too

Other international schools will be there

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Daily Post

I'm off on Thursdays, which means i don't go to my internship.As i said, i only work three days a week and four hours a day.So as soon as i finished class at 11:30 a.m.,and after eating a quick lunch, i headed home to relax a little bit because i needed it.And after that,i did my homework and i was done for the day...

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Daily Post

Today,i created a new list of people's contacts in Microsoft Excel.It was a tough work to do alone, because there were over 200 contacts to put into the list.Unfortunately, i couldn't finish all of them today,because i had to take my time to include every single detail in it.The most important thing wasn't to finish the list today,but to record the names,addresses(email and site) and contact numbers,properly.But i succeeded to finish most of it.There are only 20-30 contacts left by the end of the day.I guess my mentor is going finish the rest, since it's not a lot and because i'm off for the rest of the week(including next week).It was a hard day for me and i felt exhausted afterwards.But i was proud that i made my way through.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Daily Post

Today, i spent most of my time editing all the articles i've written yesterday.It was a little bit challenging,because it required a lot concentration and attention.I had to proofread the aricles(myself),correct the mistakes(grammar mistakes),and delete extra words.When i finished, i had to send it to my mentor who also proofread it a second time, before posting it into our weekly online publication.We also checked all the articles we had, and those we didn't, as we were editing them.For those we didn't have,we had to call and ask them if they could send their articles to us as soon as possible.Today,i felt like being a teacher, and now, i can see how hard it is like being one.I kind of realize how much our teachers suffer everyday to grade our papers...

Monday, April 14, 2008

Weekly Vocabulary, April 18

1. Word / Phrase: "Conspicuous"

Meaning: Easily seen or noticed; readily visible or observable: a conspicuous error.

Context: I've seeen it in the New York Amsterdam news while reading it.

2. Word / Phrase: "Ultimate"

Meaning: last; furthest or farthest; ending a process or series:

Context: New York Amsterdam Newspaper

3. Word / Phrase: "Ambiguous"

Meaning: Having several possible meanings or interpretations

Context: SAT Vocabulary

4. Word / Phrase: "Duplicity"

Meaning: Speaking or acting in two different ways;double dealing hypocrasy

Context: SAT Vocabulary

5. Word / Phrase: "Deprecate"

Meaning: To urge reasons against; protest against;putting something down

Context: SAT Vocabulary

Daily Post

Today was a busy day just like all the other days.I had to type three different kinds of article into our document, which will later be proofread by my mentor,and be posted in our program "voices must be heard".These articles were very long(and i mean very very long),and it took me three hours to finish it.I spent the last hour calling other companies and asking them to email/forward us their newspaper articles so we can put them on our website/program.Actually, it only took me half an hour to make these phone calls.I spent the other half of the time reading the articles we've already put on our website.They were great...

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Daily Post

Tuesday,April 8th,2008
Today was a day just like all the other ones.There was another college intern who also started his internship today.Therefore, i had to let him use my desk for a while and move to another desk.I didn't do anything special.What i did was to type some articles(from newspapers as usual).When i finished,i went back to our website(homepage)and found the most interesting articles to put in another file/folder(a different one).THAT WAS IT...

Monday, April 7, 2008

Daily Post

Monday,April 7th,2008
Today,i used "Microsoft Excel" to enter the name,contact and address of applicants.We sent applications a few weeks ago to people who wanted to apply for different positions(ex:reporter,publisher...) in the community media of John Jay College.So far, we've only received twenty applications and expect more in the following days.I had to use Excel and create a list of all applicants and their resumes.When i finished, i continued to work on looking for articles online and putting them into our program.It has always been my pleasure helping, because i know i'm also learning.

Midpoint Reflection Questions

How has the internship been the same as and/or different than your expectations?
-The internship has been different from what i expected,because i never thought i would have worked harder and harder everyday.I never had an internship before, so i never knew how hard and challenging it was.The work is increasing every single day and i never expected that.But one thing i know is that you never learn something if you don't try.

What is similar and different about the culture of the school environment versus the workplace environment? What new skills have you learned that apply to the workplace?
-The difference between the culture of the school environment and my workplace' is first of all,the location.My internship is located in a place full of animation and ambition.Plus, i get to meet new people everyday, which is different from school.I've learned a lot of experience that i wouldn't probably have if i was still at school(no offense).The purpose of the internship is to meet the outside world and to get a whole lot of it.Althought,these two places might be a little bit different from each other, they still share some similarities.We can learned a lot from these places...

What kind of relationship do you have with your mentor and co-workers? How have you grown as a result of interacting with professional adults?
-My mentor is a very friendly person. At first, i felt shy and uncomfortable talking to him.But i've come to realize that when you don't get interacted with other people, you can't get to know them and they can't also get to know you.My mentor and co-workers have helped me overcome my fear.I'd have to say that interacting with these professional adults(mentor and co-workers)has improved my communication skills.Working with adults is at the time challenging and interesting, because you learn a lot from what they're doing and it's really helpful.

What challenges at the internship have you faced that you have overcome and how did you overcome them?
-The main challenge i've faced at my internship is "the communication over the phone".I had a BIG problem communicating with people(outsiders), because i didn't know what to say at the beginning,and i was scared to make mistakes.But with kindness and simplicity, my mentor taught me the best way of answering the phone.I had to practice a couple of times before getting used to it.And thank GOODNESS,I've succeeded it and here i am today,working in an office and answering phone calls like a professional.

What challenges have you faced in school as a result of the altered schedule and how are you handling them?
-No challenges so far, except for the homework.Sometimes,it's hard for me to do the homework when i come back from the internship, because feel tired and lazy.But i know it's for my own good and that my teachers are preparing me for college,that's why i always do my work...

What goals are you working to accomplish during the remainder of the internship?
-My goals for the internship is to get an experience of the work i'm doing,learn from professionals and meet new people.I'm trying as hard as i can to make my way through...

What new things have you learned about New York City?
-Nothing new, but i went to some places in New York City,where i've never been before and i found it interesting.For instance, this was my first time being in my internship neighborhood.I've never been there before.New York City is really BIG, and there is a lot to learn about it.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Daily Post

Thursday,April 3rd,2008
Today is my day-off.I don't work on Thursdays.I only work three days a week, and four hours a day.So i didn't go to work today. Instead i went to Katrina's internship site just to get an idea about where she works.It's a good place though!!!

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Daily Post

Like i predicted(yesterday),i tried to finish typing everything today, and i did.It was a lot of work, but i'm glad i got through it.When i finished with the typing section,i started making phone calls(again) to other companies to inform them about another upcomning event on April 4,2008.This event is going to be about Union, Elections and Immigration.In addition to the phone calls,i also sent a copy of the invitation letter by fax and email.I'm really enjoying this place,beccause you always have work to do.I rather get busy than getting bored.This place is awsome...

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Daily Post

I was also busy today, but i did a different work.I started typing the news i found on other communities websites and putting them on our weekly publication.There was a lot to type and i did the best i could.I was so much into my work that i even went overtime.Even though i couldn't finish everything today,i was proud that i had at least something done.My goal for tomorrow is to try to finish everything,so my mentor can help me edit it.