Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Daily Post

Today, i spent most of my time editing all the articles i've written yesterday.It was a little bit challenging,because it required a lot concentration and attention.I had to proofread the aricles(myself),correct the mistakes(grammar mistakes),and delete extra words.When i finished, i had to send it to my mentor who also proofread it a second time, before posting it into our weekly online publication.We also checked all the articles we had, and those we didn't, as we were editing them.For those we didn't have,we had to call and ask them if they could send their articles to us as soon as possible.Today,i felt like being a teacher, and now, i can see how hard it is like being one.I kind of realize how much our teachers suffer everyday to grade our papers...

1 comment:

Mr. Andrew said...

YES!! You get it. Now imagine reading it when you can't tell what words they are really trying to say because their handwriting is poor, or they didn't take time to proof read it, or they just have not mastered enough of the language to get across what they mean so they substitute as many words as they know even though they have nothing to do with the context of the writing...

It is ... trying.