Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Pre - Interview Thinking

You are going to interview someone at your internship. It can be your mentor or another co-worker as long as it is not another intern.

-Who will that be?
*I'm going to either interview my mentor or his co-worker(Ka Chan and Juana).
Questions to answer:

-What do you already know about that person? (their name, where they are from, how old they are, what their job is...)
*What i already know about these two people is that they're both from different backgrounds. Juana is Spanish and Ka Chan is Chinese. I also know what they do at the Community Media Alliance. Juana is the newspapers/articles' Editor, and Ka Chan is the internship coordinator.

-What do you want to know about that person? (how they got their job, where they went to school, how long they were in school...)
*How long have they both been working for this commnunity?
*How has me(as the intern) being there helped them? Am i really helpful?
*How has working with other communities helped developed their own community? Is it hard working with them?

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