Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Daily Post

Today,i created a new list of people's contacts in Microsoft Excel.It was a tough work to do alone, because there were over 200 contacts to put into the list.Unfortunately, i couldn't finish all of them today,because i had to take my time to include every single detail in it.The most important thing wasn't to finish the list today,but to record the names,addresses(email and site) and contact numbers,properly.But i succeeded to finish most of it.There are only 20-30 contacts left by the end of the day.I guess my mentor is going finish the rest, since it's not a lot and because i'm off for the rest of the week(including next week).It was a hard day for me and i felt exhausted afterwards.But i was proud that i made my way through.


Mr. Andrew said...

Afterwards... good word to know.

Data entry in Excel can be mind-numbing and tiring.

Nafi T said...

Mr Andrew, stop making fun of me.I know the word afterwards, i just mispelled it.I made a mistake,OK MONSIEUR ANDRE?????