Monday, March 31, 2008

Daily Post

Monday, March 31,2008
Today was a busy day for me. I had to do so much work that i had headaches.What i basically did was reacherching different community websites and trying to find ethnic news to put into our weekly publication. It wasn't easy finding these websites and it required a lot concentration. Some of these websites did'nt even have the news we wanted, so i had to call their companies and ask them to send us their news by email.It was a hard day for me, but i'm glad i made it.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Daily Post

Thursday, March 27th 2008
Today,I helped Juana(my mentor)make researches about the other media communities and contacted them. We mostly worked on the "Tri-State Muslim Newspapers". What we were trying to do was to get as many communities as we can to join our online media publication.As soon as i finished these researches, i helped Ka(my internship coordinator)make phone calls regarding the "Immigration and Crime Reporting Fellowship Application".Then at 3:30pm,we went to an event at the Manhattan Borough.Even though my time was over, i decided to do some over time and go to the event, only because they invited me.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Daily Post

Wednesday,March 26th 2008
Today, was a great day for me.I made a public communication about our new event that's coming up tomorrow. What i basically did was to call several people on the phone and tell them what the event was going to be about.In fact,the event is going to be about"the Announcement of public Leaders".A lot of College students(from different backgrounds)will be awarded by the Manhattan Borough Community President.Anyway, that wasn't the only work i did.I also sent a couple of invitation letters(in the Spanish version) by fax and answered a few calls.I was busy the whole time, but i liked it.It wasn't easy talking to people on the phone,but i was happy because it helped me practice my communication skills.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Daily Post

Tuesday, March 25th, 2008
Today,I went to my new internship site. It was great and i liked it. Actually,i only went there for an interview,and i finished earlier than usual. Nornally,I'm supposed to start the work tomorrow(Wednesday, March 26th, 2008), so my mentor told me to go home and get ready for the next day.I went home before four o'clock.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Daily Post

I compiled New Paltz reflections and edited them.Then,i printed these reflections with the help of my true friend Katrina(She had a day-off today; so she decided to help me finish my work). When we finished Mr Sean's work, we helped Ms Emily on her International News letter. I wrote a reflection about the Philadelphia & the New Paltz Trips; and i send it to her so she can proofread. Katrina was a lot helpful, because she helped me edit my reflection. She also helped Mr Sean cut some papers and made a poster on the New Paltz College Visit.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Daily Post

Thursday, March,20th,2008
Today, i also had to grade some other quizzes(from another class) for Ms Sherien.But that wasn't the only work i did. Since Ms Sherien wasn't here, i had to help Ms Carol with her project.I helped her put the science grades in her computer, and we talked a little bit about the new science project she was planning for us(The students). After that, I helped Mr Sean with his College Fair Development.What i basically did was to assist him with International College Fair Invitations. My task was to send invitation letters to ten different Colleges. It was really interesting because i learned a lot by doing this job. It was a great experience for me. Yeahhh MEEEE!

Daily Post

Wednesday,March 19th,2008
Today, i helped Ms Sherien grade our quizzes(papers)and helped Mr Sean do some other stuff.There wasn't much for me to do, so i had the time to go back to my English Essay and make some corrections.I stayed two extra hours to complete the essay,. and i left school around six o'clock.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Daily Post

Tuesday, March 18th, 2008
I stayed at school,and helped ms Emily with her Project. What i basically did, was to try to arrange the papers, and put them where they belong. After that, i made researches about summer programs for high school students, and tried to find the most interesting ones to put them in the program. It was fun, and i liked it. Plus, it was my pleasure helping her.

Daily Post

Monday, March 17th 2008
i Didn't work on monday, because, i'm tranfering to another internship. But i did do something interesting. Since i had nothing else to do, i decided to go visit my friend's internship site(Oumou's), which is the African services. It was fun, because, i had the chance to see what all the professionals were doing there, including hers. I was kind of a little bored because i was just sitting there, not doing anything and watching what she was doing; but it was a lot worth it.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Trip To New Paltz

The Trip to New Paltz gave us an idea about how college life really looks like. It was a lot worth it because we actually had the chance to meet with some college students and ask them questions about their experiences. The interesting part of the whole trip was "the college tour". We visited the college dorms, library, and even their gym club. Honestly, this was more than what I expected. I was glad to join the trip because I knew I was going to learn a lot from it; and I really felt bad for those who didn't go. I wish everybody was there to see it for themselves. There is a proverb that says " rather go and see it for yourself, than letting people tell you about it".

Weekly vocabulary March 21, March 29, April 4

1. Word / Phrase: "Venture"(verb)

Meaning: It's when you try to do something and you're not sure what the outcome will be.

Context: found in a program called Venture Program(it's a summer program)

2. Word / Phrase: "Enrichment Program"(noun)

Meaning: It's a program that makes you a well rounded person.

Context: Summer Program also called "Access to Education"

3. Word / Phrase: "Compile"(verb)

Meaning: to gather things,organize, put things together...

Context: I compiled the New paltz reflections

4. Word / Phrase: "The Media Advisory"(noun)

Meaning: It's a notice on the upcoming events. The Media Advisory should always include questions using the five Ws(who, what, where, when, why)

Context: My internship coordinator talked to me about it.

5. Word / Phrase: "Media Alliance"(noun)

Meaning: It's the association of ethnic and community publication.

Context: It's the name of my new internship site. The full name is New York Community Media Alliance(formerly known as IPA-NY)

6. Word / Phrase: "Proficiency"(noun)

Meaning: The state of being proficient; skill or expertness

Context: Mr Andrew's word(language proficiency)

7. Word / Phrase: "Prion"(noun)

Meaning: It's a protein found in nerve cells of mammals.

Context: Science Class

8. Word / Phrase: "Fastidious"(adj)

Meaning: Paying attention to details

Context: SAT Vocabulary

9. Word / Phrase: "Profilic"(adj)

Meaning: Producing a lot of things

Context: SAT Vocabulary

10. Word / Phrase: "Indigenous"(adj)

Meaning: Native

Context: SAT Vocabulary

11. Word / Phrase: "Vindicated"(adj)

Meaning: Justified

Context: SAT Vocabulary

12. Word / Phrase: "Shattered"(adj)

Meaning: Stopped, broken

Context: SAT Vocabulary

13. Word / Phrase: "flagrant"(adj)

Meaning: Very obvious

Context: SAT Vocabulary

14. Word / Phrase: "Cursory"(adj)

Meaning: Quick

Context: SAT Vocabulary

15. Word / Phrase: "To censur"(verb)

Meaning: To punish or blame

Context: SAT Vocabulary

16. Word / Phrase: "Lavish"(adj)

Meaning: Extravagant,can also mean important

Context:SAT Vocabulary

17. Word / Phrase: " To detract"(verb)

Meaning: To take away a part, as from a value,or reputation

Context: SAT Vocabulary

18. Word / Phrase: "Rezone"(verb)

Meaning: to reclassify (a property, neighborhood, etc.) as belonging to a different zone or being subject to different zoning restrictions.

Context: I saw it on my mentor's computer

19. Word / Phrase: "Philanthropist"(noun)

Meaning: A person who does good for others

Context: SAT Vocabulary

20. Word / Phrase: "Unobtrusively"(adj)

Meaning: It means that it takes a while to notice it

Context: Found in the "Raisin and the Sun" book

Friday, March 14, 2008

Third Week Assignment

Describe one significant activity or project that you have completed or are working on currently.

Recently, I've been working on receiving emails from the NYU Cancer Institute faculty members, and recording their informations into the computer.Then, I printed every single thing I recorded. After that, I had to put their papers in piles organizing them in an alphabetic order. Basically, it was the same as all other weeks, but a little bit harder because, I had to do too many things at the same time, and I was only working with the informations I gathered from the faculty members, instead of patients'. Actually, I've been doing a lot of work that were combined into a project because, they were all related to each other. That wasn't the only work I did this week. I also analyzed the servey responses given by patients, helped make suggestions and wrote the responses down, so my co-worker can check and record them into the computer(NB: it was her job to do that; I was just helping her finish it up). This project was a little bit hard because, I didn't have enough time to do it. I only had two days to do it( Monday and Wednesday) because, I didn't go to work on Tuesday( I had to go to New Paltz) nor on Thursday. I stayed at school on Thursday, and helped Mr Sean print out some transcripts for the parents' meeting. It was fun, and I enjoyed it.

Second Week Assignment

What did you do during your second week?
During my second week, I worked on performing researches, recording patients informations on the computer, filing papers, and printing letters from the faculty members.

How was it different than the first week?
The second week was different from the first one, because I did more work than I expected. But it was fun helping others.

What is something that you really like about the internship?
Something I really like about my internship is the work I'm doing. I love what I'm doing because I feel like I'm learning a lot from it. It's true that the work is sometimes challenging, but I get better at it everyday and I'm proud of it.

What is something you dislike about the internship?
Nothing at all!!!

Who else's blog have your read and commented on?
So far, I've only read katrina's blog and made a comment on it. But I'm going to try to read and comment as many blogs as I can.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

End of the first week Assignment

Please describe your internship site by answering the following questions...

What is it?
My interneship is called "NYU Cancer Institute".

What kind of business is it and what kind of work do the professionals do there?
The NYU Cancer Institute is specialized in doing researches about diffrent types of cancer/program.They're also involved in patients'health care.

Where is it?
It is located on 215 Lexington Avenue, New York Ny 10016, 15th floor. Take the 6 train(uptown)to 33rd street.

Tell a little about your mentor.
My mentor's name is Claudia Ayash and she is very sympathetic. She does the best she can to help me through everything;and so far, she has been great!!!!

What happened on the first day?
On the first day of my internship,I basically didn't do any work at all.I only had to go to the NYU Employment Services for a medical examination. But before that,I took two short quizzes on the NYU Medical Center Infection Surveillance Department, and the NYU Center Fire Emergency Procedures and Fire Extinguisher Use.

What kinds things have you done so far?
So far,I've helped analyze/observe some informations about patients,and recorded the data onto the computer. I' m still working on it because it takes a lot of time and concentration.

What were some of the highlights of the first week? (Memorable moments, cool things...)
Some of the highlights of the first week was when I assisted a program(on tuesday from 4:30pm to 6:00pm),where a lot of doctors and nurses shared their work and experiences with us.This program was offered to any volunteer of the NYU Medical Center. It was really fun!!!

Please answer some logistical questions...

When do you leave school?
I leave school around 11:45am, after eating a quick lunch in the school cafeteria.

How long does it take you to get to your internship?
It only takes me 30-40mns(depending on the train) to get to my internship site, because I only have to take the L train to 14th street Union Square(which only takes me 25mns), then transfer to the 6 train to get off at 33rd street(the 3rd stop after 28th st).

When do you arrive at home?
It depends on my schedule.For example:On Monday,Wednesday, and Thursday,I finish at 4:00pm;so I can arrive home around 5:00pm. But on Tuesdays,I finish at 6:00pm because of the program.So get home by 7:00pm.

What is your schedule? (What days do you work and for how long each day?)
I work four days a week. On Monday,Wednesday,and Thursday,I work from 1:00pm to 4:00pm. On Tuesday,I work from 3:00pm to 6:00pm.

Who are the two people that can sign your time card? (Your mentor and the additional person)
The only two people that can sign my time card are my mentor claudia Ayash and her co-worker Danielle. Ms Danielle only signs my card when Claudia is not there.

At this point, do you have any other questions, comments, concerns, queries, or inquiries?
NO!Everything is fine with me...