Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Daily Post

Wednesday,March 26th 2008
Today, was a great day for me.I made a public communication about our new event that's coming up tomorrow. What i basically did was to call several people on the phone and tell them what the event was going to be about.In fact,the event is going to be about"the Announcement of public Leaders".A lot of College students(from different backgrounds)will be awarded by the Manhattan Borough Community President.Anyway, that wasn't the only work i did.I also sent a couple of invitation letters(in the Spanish version) by fax and answered a few calls.I was busy the whole time, but i liked it.It wasn't easy talking to people on the phone,but i was happy because it helped me practice my communication skills.


Mr. Andrew said...

Nice pics. So happy you have found a new internship that you enjoy...-AS-

Anonymous said...

Nice Pics!!! i love it